What are the objective of taxation?
In other words, taxation policy has some non-revenue objectives. Truly speaking, in the modern world, taxation is used as an instrument of economic policy. It affects the total volume of production, consumption, investment, choice of industrial location and techniques, balance of payments, distribution of income, etc.
Here we will discuss the objectives of taxation in modern public finance:
1. Economic Development
2. Full Employment
3. Price Stability
4. Control of Cyclical Fluctuations
5. Reduction of BOP Difficulties
6. Non-Revenue Objective
Objective # 1. Economic Development:
One of the important objectives of taxation is economic development. Economic development of any country is largely conditioned by the growth of capital formation. It is said that capital formation is the kingpin of economic development. But LDCs usually suffer from the shortage of capital.
To overcome the scarcity of capital, governments of these countries mobilize resources so that a rapid capital accumulation takes place. To step up both public and private investment, government taps tax revenues. Through proper tax planning, the ratio of savings to national income can be raised.
By raising the existing rate of taxes or by imposing new taxes, the process of capital formation can be made smooth. One of the important elements of economic development is the raising of savings- income ratio which can be effectively raised through taxation policy.
However, proper care has to be taken, regarding investment. If financial resources or investments are channelized in the unproductive sectors of the economy the economic development may be jeopardized, even if savings and investment rates are increased. Thus, the tax policy has to be employed in such a way that investment occurs in the productive sectors of the economy, including the infrastructural sectors.
Objective # 2. Full Employment:
Second objective is the full employment. Since the level of employment depends on effective demand, a country desirous of achieving the goal of full employment must cut down the rate of taxes. Consequently, disposable income will rise and, hence, demand for goods and services will rise. Increased demand will stimulate investment leading to a rise in income and employment through the multiplier mechanism.
Objective # 3. Price Stability:
Thirdly, taxation can be used to ensure price stability—a short run objective of taxation. Taxes are regarded as an effective means of controlling inflation. By raising the rate of direct taxes, private spending can be controlled. Naturally, the pressure on the commodity market is reduced.
But indirect taxes imposed on commodities fuel inflationary tendencies. High commodity prices, on the one hand, discourage consumption and, on the other hand, encourage saving. Opposite effect will occur when taxes are lowered down during deflation.
Objective # 4. Control of Cyclical Fluctuations:
Fourthly, control of cyclical fluctuations—periods of boom and depression—is considered to be another objective of taxation. During depression, taxes are lowered down while during boom taxes are increased so that cyclical fluctuations are tamed.
Objective # 5. Reduction of BOP Difficulties:
Fifthly, taxes like custom duties are also used to control imports of certain goods with the objective of reducing the intensity of balance of payments difficulties and encouraging domestic production of import substitutes.
Objective # 6. Non-Revenue Objective:
Finally, another extra-revenue or non-revenue objective of taxation is the reduction of inequalities in income and wealth. This can be done by taxing the rich at higher rate than the poor or by introducing a system of progressive taxation.
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